Older Adults Increase Social Media Usage

A study of Older Adults and Social Media by Pew Research Center discovered the use of social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) by adults is steadily on the increase. Highlights of the social media usage stats from 2009 to 2010:

  • Seniors (65 and older) doubled from 13% to 26%
  • Older adults (50-64) increased from 25% to 47%
  • Adults (30-49) increased from 48% to 61%

Not only popular among young people, the growth of an older population using social media opens more possibilities for businesses to use social media as another marketing channel to increase brand visibility through word-of-mouth, show your expertise, and the ultimate goal of increasing your sales. “Young adults continue to be the heaviest users of social media, but their growth pales in comparison with recent gains made by older users,” explains Mary Madden, Senior Research Specialist for the Pew Research Centre. So is your business taking advantage of the great business possibilities of social media?

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