Top 7 Digital Marketing Tips For Christmas

5 min read

As the Christmas season is now upon us, employing the right digital marketing strategies is essential in order to keep your business relevant in this modern age. Whether you're an ecommerce or non-ecommerce site, now is the perfect time to ensure that your customers are satisfied going into the holidays. Given that this season is so busy, it's important to have a clear plan of the marketing strategies that you are going to employ before new customers have already moved on to other sites. The following will provide you with 7 digital marketing tips for Christmas that can help your business thrive during this busy season.

Send a Christmas eCard To All Customers

While bringing in new customers is essential no matter what type of site you run, it's also important for your loyal customers to continue to visit your site during the holidays. One of the best ways to do this through the usage of a simple Christmas eCard, which can be sent to all of your customers through their given email address. If you own an ecommerce site, simply remind your customers of all of the deals you will be holding during the season. For those that run a non-ecommerce site, ask your customers what they plan on doing for the holidays and simply wish them a Merry Christmas. Overall, be festive, but don't push them too much to purchase anything.

Deliver Christmas Shopping Ideas to Last-Minute Shoppers

One of the best aspects of advertising during the holiday season is that you can utilise EDM(Event-Driven Marketing) in order to drive customers to your website more readily than in other times of the year. As Christmas approaches, there is going to be a wealth of last-minute shoppers who have yet to buy their Christmas presents. For any ecommerce website, your goal is to draw these last-minute shoppers to your store in order to buy their last-minute gifts. In fact, in Australia, it is estimated that close to 33 percent of all customers do their shopping within the final ten days before Christmas arrives. Even if you don't run an ecommerce site, you could consider writing a blog about gift ideas or even writing reviews of some of the holidays best selling gifts in order to drive in traffic. It's important to direct these people to your site through emails, advertisements on your Facebook page or through free shipping. These speak directly to the last-minute shopper and will work wonders in attracting them to your website.

Try to Think Outside of the Box

One of the most important digital marketing tips is to try and think outside of the box. While you're focusing on the advertising campaign you need to run, don't neglect to remember that similar sites to yours will be running advertisements as well. As such, you want to create a piece of marketing that will truly make your customers be excited to view your site simply because of how inspired the marketing was. This tip is one of the more difficult ones and will require a good deal of imagination and creativity, but it can work really well at bringing in return customers for the holidays. Try thinking of a new and fresh idea that is simple, yet creative, and really speaks to the spirit of Christmas.

Tailor One Aspect of the Marketing Campaign Towards Facebook

In today's world, Facebook is one of the most powerful advertising tools at your disposal. Utilising this resource during the holidays is simply more of an advantage for your website than it typically is during the remainder of the year. Whether on Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter, people are commenting on, liking and sharing tons and tons of info and pictures every day. Placing reviews or comments about certain products on your page just before Christmas hits can really help to drive up traffic. Ask your customers direct questions and personalise the entire experience by getting to know exactly what they are looking for during the holiday season.

Simplify on Mobile

Mobile shopping is increasing each and every year, which means that your website needs to be ready to bring in new customers that choose to do their shopping primarily on their phones. Make sure your website is optimised for mobile in order to make the process of actually traversing around your website as easy as possible for the consumer. Next, it's essential that you understand that those shopping on their phones tend to want to do so quickly and efficiently, especially during the busy Christmas season. As such, you want them to be able to get to your products with as few clicks as possible. You should also keep scrolling to a minimum. It's recommended that you utilise simple buttons that the customer can click to "Order Now" or send a small SMS message as part of your mobile advertising campaign, as the majority of customers will read an SMS directly after receiving one.

Make Sure to Be Optimised For Search Engines

When people are attempting to identify gifts for Christmas, they tend to use search engines a lot. Given this, you want your website to be one of the first to show up in results. Try to tailor standard keywords that are placed on your website to Christmas-themed ones that your customers might be searching for.

Spruce Up Your Website With Christmas Themes

Lastly, your website should reflect the festive season. Don't clutter your pages, but try sprucing them up a bit with some Christmas related images and icons. While emails and ad campaigns are essential to make your customer aware of what you're attempting to sell or simply writing articles about during the holiday season, providing a website design that automatically reminds the customer of Christmas can work surprisingly well at driving in traffic with the intent of going through with a purchase.

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