6 tips to create a successful Google AdWords campaign

Why use Google AdWords as part of your company's marketing strategy? Here is a compelling statistic to ponder: The Google browser rakes in an estimated 1 trillion search requests per year! Google is also the most popular search engine globally. So using Google's digital advertising platform just makes sense if you want to reach the most eyes for the least dollars.

While the importance of Google AdWords as part of any digital marketing strategy is undeniable, it is equally important to realize Google AdWords isn't so easy to use as it might appear. Sure, you can have your ad up and running quickly. But will your campaign then deliver the results you desire? Too often companies think they can just have an in-house employee manage their Google AdWords account, even if that employee has no prior training in deploying a successful digital marketing AdWords-based campaign.

The truth is, often AdWords campaigns managed by inexperienced employees just waste valuable marketing dollars. Conversely, companies that invest in working with a Google AdWords digital marketing expert can often get away with a cheaper campaign and still achieve much better results! This is because choosing the right keywords, crafting effective ad text, knowing how to group ads within a campaign, deploying at the right time and date and using location effectively are just a few of the skills AdWords professionals bring to the table. In this post, you will learn a set of valuable tips only the pros know to help you to create the most successful possible Google AdWords campaign.

1. Use the free Google AdWords Keyword Planner.

Google AdWords provides its own free tool, the Google AdWords Keyword Planner, to help you search out the most relevant keywords for your campaign. Here, you want to select both general and specific keywords that relate to your industry. In this, the best strategy is often to first meet with your team and brainstorm a keyword list, then import that list into the Keyword Planner to gather data on how effective each of your brainstormed keywords may actually be for your campaign. From here, you can whittle down your list to the most cost-effective keywords to use when you launch your campaign.

2. Get your chosen keywords organised appropriately into groups.

After completing Step 1 here, you will have a streamlined list of potentially effective keywords to use as the foundation for your AdWords campaign. But you still need to make sure they are grouped appropriately so you can actually gather useful data later to determine how well your campaign is performing. By segmenting like-keywords this way, you can analyse whether certain ad sets are outperforming others and further refine your campaign spending.

For example, if you have chosen the keywords "dentist," "dentist Sydney" and "dental service," these keywords should all be added into the same AdWords ad group, since they are both general terms and similar terms that describe your industry.

3. Connect your keywords with well-crafted ad text.

Google AdWords operates based on short phrases called "ad text." These phrases are typically four to seven words and relate directly to the keywords in their respective groups. You want to make sure to get this step right because it will affect something called your "Quality Score."

The quality score is basically a number to represent how closely your ad text and keywords matches what you are actually advertising. The higher your score, the more relevant and well matched your keywords/groups/ad text is. A really well crafted campaign that delivers high Quality Scores can also move your ad higher up in the bid rankings (so your ad gets seen more frequently).

4. Send traffic to landing pages covering the same topic as the keywords in each ad group.

Once you have written ad text that corresponds precisely to your chosen keywords and groups, your next task is to hyperlink your ad to a "landing page" (which is basically where you want your visitor to end up after they click on your ad). You want to select a landing page that is highly relevant to your keywords/group/ad text!

For example, if you are using the keywords "dentist," "dentist Sydney" and "dental service" from Step 2, you want to hyperlink your ad text to a landing web page that just discusses dental service in Sydney. This will not only make for happy soon-to-be customers, who have clicked on your ad hoping for information about dental services in Sydney and have discovered the exact information they need on your landing page, but it will also increase your AdWords Quality Score yet again.

5. Use Google AdWords' Exact Match feature.

Google AdWords also offers a feature called "Exact Match." This feature works precisely the way it sounds. When you choose Exact Match (instead of broad match or phrase match) then when a web visitor keys in a search for the keywords "dentist," "dentist Sydney" and "dental service," only ads that include these exact three keywords will display. This means your ad will display for them to see and click on!

Not only does Exact Match help you streamline your campaign to target just the customer demographics you wish to reach, but it also helps you manage your ad budget for the most effective results and permits you to have more control over ad performance and analysis.

6. Target the location.

For the example of the keywords "dentist," "dentist Sydney" and "dental service," clearly you only want to target potential customers in the Sydney area. So you would want to set your Google AdWords location to display your ad only to web visitors from that area. This helps to really maximize your available advertising dollars and ensure you only receive inquiries from people in the area in which you provide services.

Contact Quantum Today

If you are working towards launching your company's Google AdWords campaign, we invite you to contact us for more information on 1300 3888 11.

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