Almost 200 Australian Websites Hacked

Activist group 'Anonymous Indonesia' has made claims on Twitter that it has hacked and defaced more than 170 Australian websites in protest of Canberra spying on Indonesia. The attack was apparently made on many small business websites with the message displayed: "Stop Spying on Indonesia" underneath an Indonesian flag imprinted with the face of Guy Fawkes, whose image is used by Anonymous internationally." Companies should be checking their websites immediately to make sure their sites haven't been one of those attacked. It is also a good time to take stock of both the web hosting and website platform your company website is on, to make sure both are secure. Open Source website Platforms are usually much easier to target, which was evidenced with the mass worldwide hacking of WordPress earlier this year. More than 100,000 sites were attacked/hacked. Furthermore, even with secure passwords for your your site CMS and webhosting, many cheaper webhosts don't have secure technology and so it becomes much easier for hackers to access your sites. Sources: ABC and SBS.

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