Facebook Business Tips #3

Here are some tips to help you create and manage a succesful Facebook business page.

1. Add apps.

Applications on a Page makes it more fun and interactive. Careful not to go overboard, only use ones that are most useful for you and your fans. The other thing to watch out for with apps, is that some are used by hackers to retrieve your personal and account information, so only add credible apps.

2. Allow your fans to share.

Make sure the settings are set to enable fans to comment on your wall, it encourages engagement and interaction.

3. Don’t ignore your fans.

It’s not nice to ignore people and the same etiquette applies to Facebook. If someone posts on your wall, reply to them, it makes them feel valued, and if you engage them, it is more likely they will remember you for when they need your product or service.

4. Don’t be Facebook exclusive.

Spread the word about your business page outside Facebook. Use other sources like your newsletters, website, email signature and any promotional campaigns.

5. Develop a personality.

Determine your brand personality, it makes you unique and authentic. It’s easier to connect to a personable and approachable brand, so keep it casual, yet professional. Have a look at the Quantum Web Solutions Facebook Business Page.

Stay tuned for more Facebook tips!

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