IE6 Declines

We are finally seeing a long awaited decline in IE6 (Internet Explorer 6), although still not as much as we'd like to see. Even Facebook have pulled the plug on supporting IE6 for their service.

There are still a considerable number of people using IE6, which is unfortunate, as they are missing out on a lot of great things the web has to offer. That aside, IE6 specificially has major security issues associated with it that places an internet user at risk, so it should not be used for anything where personal details are given e.g. internet banking, online shopping.

Microsoft are up to Internet Explorer 8, with Version 9 soon to be released. So keeping up-to-date with your browsers ensures you have both a more rich internet experience, as well as providing you more security.

How do you check what version you are using? Simply open up Internet Explorer, go to the Help menu at the top of your browser, and look for the "About" menu item. This will tell you what browser you are using. You can download the latest version of Internet Explorer here Or you can download our favourite browser Firefox here.

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